
China has experienced rapid growth and as China grows, so does its global influence. Chinese culture can be seen in countries all over the world, and its influence is evident in various cuisines, languages, and even architecture. However, despite the global trend towards a more modern style, there are various elements present in Chinese architecture that allow it to stand out from the rest. Various real-life structures embody key beliefs of Feng Shui, which is both a theory and a practice for connecting the mind, body, and spirit to one’s space or environment, anchored on the traditional Chinese worldview on the art of spatial alignment and orientation, and its relationship with humans and their environment. These architectural designs do not merely stem from cultural or ideological bases alone; they have practical, economical, and logical applications as well. These real-life examples highlight the practicality behind the practice of Feng Shui in architecture.


Feng Shui in architecture, Chinese culture, Chinese architecture

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