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Theodore Daigler

What Makes Stereo Stereo?

Miguel A. Bernad

What Visitor's Thought of Australia

Donald Chaput, Benjamin A. Gray

When Copper Supplanted Gold

Julius Bautista

When One’s Birthday Opens Up a Cosmological Pandora’s Box

Alan V. Jazmines

When the Zoo Took Part in the Elections

James J. Hennessey

Whence Come These Stones? Philippine Tektites

Michael McPhelin

Where Angels Fear To Tread: Too Many Asians

Lou Antolihao

Where Asia Smiles: An Ethnography of Philippine Tourism by Sally Ann Ness

Jonathan Chua

Where Only the Moon Rages, by Cristina Pantoja-Hidalgo

N.V.M. Gonzalez

Whistling Up the Wind: Myth and Creativity

Jose S. Arcilla, S.J.

Who is Andres Bonifacio?

Francis E. Reilly

Who Reads Books? College Teaching and the College Library

Jose M. Delgado

Why an Ambassador to the Vatican?

Justin See, Ginbert Permejo Cuaton, Brooke Wilmsen

Why Context, Holism, and Scale Matter in Super Typhoon Yolanda Research

Fernando N. Zialcita

Why insist on an Asian Flavor?

Review Author: Maria Bernadette L. Abrera

Wilfredo Magno Torres III, ed. Rido: Clan Feuding and Conflict Management in Mindanao (Expanded ed.)

John N. Schumacher

William Howard Taft and United States Foreign Policy

Review Author: MCM Santamaria

William Peterson's Places for Happiness: Community, Self, and Performance in the Philippines

Sarah Raymundo

William Pomeroy Bilanggo: Life as a Political Prisoner in the Philippines 1952–1962

Sid Gomez Hildawa

Wind)ow to the Wind—

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