Call for Submissions: Kritika Kultura Literary Section

July 07, 2022

Kritika Kultura is accepting contributions to its literary section, for possible inclusion in its forthcoming installments, beginning with the 40th issue (Feb. 2023).

Writers may submit any one of the following for consideration:

-     Suite of 3 to 5 poems or a long poem

-     Short story

-     Excerpt from a novel (please include a brief overview of the novel’s project)

-     Literary essay

Kritika Kultura is interested in unpublished works in English. More frequently in recent issues, we also published translations into English. For such submissions, translators are asked to submit the following additional requirements on top of the translation:

-     The work in its original language

-     Proof of permission of the author of the original work (if it is not in the public domain or if it is was not authored by the translator themselves)

-     An accompanying essay (1,000 to 2,000 words) that covers but is not restricted to the following:

-     Background of the author and text being translated

-     Rationale behind the choice of text

-     Translation theory and method used

-     Aesthetic, political, cultural, and/or institutional concerns encountered in the course of the translation

Please email your original and unpublished contribution to the literary section of Kritika Kultura to (cc: Simultaneous submission is permitted, but Kritika Kultura must be notified immediately if the work is accepted or published elsewhere.

For both the subject heading of the email and the filename of the submission, please use your last name and the genre-label of the work (for instance, dela Cruz_Poetry). Email your submission as a file attachment (.docx and/or .pdf format); please do not indicate your name within the pages of the attachment. As an in-line text in your email, include a brief bionote (100 to 150 words), as well as your institutional affiliation and professional email address.

You will receive an acknowledgment of your submission within two weeks. As KK strictly has works reviewed by at least two external referees, we hope to provide news on the status of your submission within three months. If you would like your work to be possibly included in the 40th issue, please submit by Aug. 1, 2022.

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