
The evident proliferation of Korean television programs in the Philippines manifests a modern form of trade between the two countries. Though there are latent negativities, this trade brings forth a lot of positive effects between the nations involved, specifically in the modern television industry of the latter. Through the three-step copycat-piggyback-leapfrog innovation, export-quality Koreanovelas facilitate product creativity that can increase not only the quantity, but more importantly the quality, of locally-produced television goods. The presence and proliferation of Koreanovelas also challenges the local industry as it promotes competition for patronization in limited television timeslots. This competition works side-by-side with creativity. Scarce resources with desirable incentives push television stations to offer only programs that are good enough to be consumed in another country, products that are most likely of superior quality. Finally, Koreanovelas improve employment especially in the Philippine-end of the barter. The drive to produce better programs brought about by heightened creativity and competition will increase production. This, in turn, will cause television stations to employ more and better workers, improving workers and the television industry as a whole.


Koreanovelas, Philippine soap operas, Philippine primetime television

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